Jumper Jack - Android Source Code


You can experience various stages of the game and cool obstacles
Just with simple left and right manipulations and touch gestures!!

[How to play]
{inAds} - Move the alien jumper to the left/right.
- Avoid various obstacles and land on different bases .
- The game is over if you fall from a base.

A) File Structure

Android projects are the projects that eventually get built into an .apk file that you install onto a device. They contain things such as application source code and resource files. Some are generated for you by default, while others should be created if required. The following directories and files comprise an Android project:

Project Structure

The control file that describes the nature of the application and each of its components. For instance, it describes: certain qualities about the activities, services, intent receivers, and content providers; what permissions are requested; what external libraries are needed; what device features are required, what API Levels are supported or required; and others

B) Drawable Resource

Drawable resource are stored in res/drawable(hdpi,ldpi,mdpi,xhdpi,etc.) folder and some in assets folder

If you want to change icon of game, please replace icon.png in each drawable folder with similar image-size pictures

C) String Resources – top

All String Resource are store in res/values/string.xml files

If you want to change the Application’name, you can change bouncing bird in string app_name to anything you want.

D) Admob – top

I have integrated Admob Full Screen and banner ad. Admob Full Screen will display after 2 gameover.

Be sure import google-play-services_lib_origin in your IDE

Then replace the advertise ID in Assets/data/PTModelGeneralSettings.0.attributes.xml

by your advertise ID google_lib
E) Change game’s Images (reskin) – top

images of the games is stored in > Assets > data > Atlases > atlas_ID101.png file

Please keep the file name so that application can work properly

F) Change sounds – top

Two sounds file are stored at > Assets > data > Sounds > Game Title
You can freely change,edit the sounds.

Cross AD and More Games – top

To change te banner in the first screen please go and put your own banner in “assets\data\atlases/atlas_ID101” and change the url of your banner here => Assets => PTModelObjectButtonUrl.0.attributes.xml and replace “https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.otmaji.guess.the.cartoon.quiz” with your own game link
to change more game in the same file “PTModelObjectButtonUrl.0.attributes.xm” change “https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Otmaji+Quiz+%26+Trivia” with your own google play portfolio link

Rating – top

If you like our app, we will highly appreciate if you can provide us a rating of 5. You can rate us from your CodeCanyon Menu > Download page.

App Showcase – top

Once you will publish your app to Google Play or any other Android store, send us your app link. We will happy to showcase your app into our website & CodeCanyon page.

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this application. No guarantees, but I’ll do my best to assist.

Software VersionAndroid 9.0, Android 8.1, Android 8.0, Android 7.2.x, Android 7.1.x
Demo URL
Files Included.apk, .java, JavaScript JS
Video Preview Resolution

{getCard} $type={download} $title={Download Jumper Jack - Android Source Code} $info={84.5Mb} $button={Download Free}

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